Biotics Research Ca-D Glucarate


Estrogen Detoxifier

Basic concepts and physiologic function, D-glucaric acid is naturally found within the human body and is also present in some foods, particularly vegetables. D-glucaric acid plays an important role in the detoxification process, by promoting the conjugation of endogenous substances such as hormones and exogenous substances such as pollution so that these substances can then be excreted in the bile or urine. Secondly, a metabolite of D-glucaric acid inhibits the enzyme beta-glucaronidase which would otherwise cleave detoxified poisons from their hydrophilic conjugate, allowing the intestinal reabsorption of the toxin.

120 capsules

Product Description

Biotics Research Ca-D Glucarate

Estrogen Detoxifier

Indications: Basic concepts and physiologic function, D-glucaric acid is naturally found within the human body and is also present in some foods, particularly vegetables. D-glucaric acid plays an important role in the detoxification process, by promoting the conjugation of endogenous substances such as hormones and exogenous substances such as pollution so that these substances can then be excreted in the bile or urine. Secondly, a metabolite of D-glucaric acid inhibits the enzyme beta-glucaronidase which would otherwise cleave detoxified poisons from their hydrophilic conjugate, allowing the intestinal reabsorption of the toxin.

Ingredients: Each capsule supplies:
Calcium (as Calcium D-Glucarate) 61 mg
Calcium D-Glucarate 500 mg

Suggestion: 1 capsule two (2) times each day as a dietary supplement or as otherwise directed by a health care professional.


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