A vitamin is an organic substance or chemical found in food that is absolutely necessary for life. We now know that, although vitamins each have individual roles in the body, they also work together as a team to maintain normal physiological functions. A daily multivitamin/micronutrient supplement ensures adequate intake of several nutrients that might be lacking in processed, cooked, denatured, or overfarmed foods in today’s diet.
A balanced and well-designed multivitamin is fundamental to any supplement regimen. Unfortunately, factors such as market trends, the unfortunate tendency toward “one-capsule-a-day” formulas, products that provide equal quantities of different nutrients (that the body requires in different amounts), inappropriate doses and attempts to achieve the longest list of ingredients possible result in multivitamins that may not end up benefiting the consumer’s health. The problem is that to achieve these results, quality is often sacrificed, using ingredients with poor bioavailability or lower quality forms of nutrients, or doses that are inadequate, excessive or imbalanced.
Anyone looking for a superior multivitamin or a single supplement for overall health will find that in any of our vitamins.
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